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How can China develop new quality productivity?
Release date: [2024/3/27]  Read total of [100] times

At the China Development Forum 2024 Annual meeting, which opened on the morning of March 24, Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission said that the current world economic growth has not recovered to the pre-epidemic level, and the momentum of development needs to be strengthened. China's active cultivation and development of new quality productivity will not only develop itself, but also inject more and stronger impetus into the recovery and growth of the world economy. Bring huge business opportunities for multinational companies.

The annual meeting coincides with the end of China's two sessions. This year's Chinese Government Work Report listed "vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity" as the first of ten tasks for the government in 2024.

How will China develop new quality productive forces in the New Year? Director of the National Development and Reform Commission pointed out at the annual meeting that this year, the National Development and Reform Commission will mainly take policy measures from three aspects.

First, scientific and technological innovation leads industrial innovation. Focus on promoting the "four acceleration" : accelerating the building of innovation capacity, including the implementation of a number of major scientific and technological projects, and strengthening the role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation; We will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, including the implementation of actions to enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, technological upgrading and upgrading projects, and promote high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry. We will accelerate the growth of emerging industries, including promoting the deep integration of digital technologies and the real economy, implementing the "Data Factor X" action plan, and building new growth engines such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace, new materials, and low-altitude economy. Accelerate the layout of future industries, open up new tracks such as quantum technology and life science, and carry out "artificial intelligence +" actions.

Second, we will promote institutional innovation. Focus on the "three further" : further improve the market basic system. We formulated unified national standards and guidelines for developing large markets, improved the basic system of social credit, cracked down on market monopoly and unfair competition, and issued a new version of the negative list for market access. We will further improve the business environment. We will improve regular communication and exchange mechanisms with enterprises, implement actions to improve the business environment, and create a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment. We will further promote green and low-carbon transformation. We will strengthen green manufacturing, develop green services, expand the green energy industry, and build a green, low-carbon and circular economy.

Third, open wider to the outside world at a high level. Focus on strengthening the "three cooperation" : strengthening international cooperation in science and technology. We will support foreign-funded science and technology enterprises to work with domestic research institutions or enterprises to tackle key scientific and technological problems, further implement the Belt and Road Action Plan on science and technology innovation, and jointly create an innovation ecosystem. Strengthen personnel exchanges and cooperation. To make it more convenient for Chinese and foreign nationals to travel to China for work, study and tourism; Strengthen investment and economic cooperation. We will steadily expand institutional opening-up and further promote high-level opening-up in cross-border service trade and investment. Greater efforts will be made to introduce foreign investment, and pilot market access will be carried out in value-added telecommunications, and the development and application of genetic diagnosis and therapy technologies. Accelerate the introduction of the 2024 version of the negative list for foreign investment access, and completely remove restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. We will continue to support the construction of a number of major foreign-funded projects and strengthen the guarantee of essential factors for such projects. Expand market access for digital products and other products. We will vigorously promote the development, opening up and circulation of data.

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