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Textile news | National wind leads the Spring Festival fashion tide, Chinese wind can blow hot textile industry trendy?
Release date: [2024/2/21]  Read total of [117] times

Soldiers and horses have not moved, grain and grass first, for weaving enterprises, preparing raw materials is also a thing that must be done, after this year's raw material market may show what trend?

Raw materials after the Spring Festival, will rise or fall

1. Spring Festival crude oil surge

During the Spring Festival, although the domestic market has basically been on holiday, foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States, are not on holiday, especially crude oil prices are still fluctuating.

In the Spring Festival holiday days, international crude oil prices have generally risen, Brent crude oil futures rose by $4.02 in 9 days, an increase of 5.42%, New York crude oil futures rose by $3.98, an increase of 5%.

Driven by crude oil, the PX outer plate price as a PTA raw material also rose from $1020 to $1038, an increase of 1.8%. Perhaps the price transmission of crude oil to polyester takes time, and the price impact of PX on PTA and polyester filament is often very direct.

2. Supply tightening, short-term or rise

The price of polyester is related to the price of crude oil, but the more important factor is supply and demand. Business can only be done if you buy and sell.

As we all know, in January because of the Red Sea crisis, a large number of foreign companies placed orders in advance, many textile companies received orders, led to a wave of long-lost years of stocking tide, polyester factory was originally in January to reduce the operating rate, eventually led to polyester factory low inventory, many hot polyester varieties were even sold out of stock.

"Chinese style" leads the Spring Festival fashion trend, and horse-faced skirts are popular in the Spring Festival market

Wearing new clothes is a traditional custom for Chinese New Year. The horse face skirt in the Hanfu, both classical and modern simple beauty, can also match the popular wearing needs of contemporary young people, so that the horse face skirt has become a popular fashion in China this year.

During the Spring Festival, the Tianjie Festival in Luoyang, Henan Province, is staged. Performers and tourists dressed in Hanfu, such as horse-faced skirts, can be seen everywhere.

This Spring Festival, the "New Year dress" horse-faced dress led to a wave of traditional culture consumption boom. How popular is the horse skirt?

Cao County of Shandong Province is one of the production and sales bases of Hanfu in China, with sales of Hanfu exceeding 7 billion yuan a year. This year, sales of the New Year of the Dragon clothing in Caoxian County, mainly horse-faced dresses, have exceeded 300 million yuan. At present, the fabric "jacquard fabric" used in the production of horse skirt has become popular.

Xucun Town is a home textile town, with a number of non-heritage weaving technology. In the first half of last year, they are still in the production of curtain cloth, sand release, let him did not expect that the fire out of the ring of the horse skirt so that the traditional home textile industry in Xuecun town ushered in new opportunities.

In addition to the production of horse skirt fabrics, local enterprises are also producing and developing more national style clothing fabrics, and the new trend of Chinese style fashion led by horse skirt is also loved by overseas consumers.

Does the popularity of Hanfu drive the development of the industry?

The popularity of Hanfu is getting higher and higher, and the scale of this industry is getting larger and larger.

It is understood that in the Tao clothing platform, Hanfu has grown into a prosperous market with annual sales of 10 billion yuan. At the end of 2023, Taobao clothing added "Hanfu" as a second-level category. Data show that clothing such as Guo-style Hanfu is one of the most popular products in the past two years, with an annual growth rate of more than 230%. Since 2023, the horse skirt has become the most popular explosive products after 95 and 00, and the sales of many hot single products have reached 1 million yuan.

The hot consumption of Hanfu not only drives the development of Hanfu industry, but also drives the growth of surrounding industries such as cultural travel activities, photo shooting and second-hand trading. With the Hanfu "out of the circle", in Xi 'an Datang Never Night City, Qinglong Temple, Huaqing Palace, Xi 'an City Wall and other scenic spots, more and more tourists wearing traditional costumes to visit, with the corresponding Hanfu makeup, travel and other supporting services will also follow.

Hanfu culture is forming a new upsurge, how to make "explosive red" into "long red" is an important topic to continue to study. From the perspective of the industry, it is necessary to create a more diversified consumption scene to help the development of the Hanfu industry; It is also necessary to formulate industry-related standards to enable the healthy development of industry norms. From the perspective of enterprises and brands, they also need to constantly innovate and follow the trend to seek development.

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