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Guangdong has the advantage of constructing modern textile strategic pillar industry cluster
Release date: [2024/2/21]  Read total of [100] times

Manufacturing strong province Guangdong again. Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments recently jointly issued the "Guangdong Province to develop Modern light textile strategic pillar Industrial Cluster Action Plan (2023-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan").

The "action plan" defines the overall development goal in 2025: to form a modern light textile industry cluster with distinct industrial characteristics, innovative elements clustering, networking and close collaboration, complete ecosystem, complete talent system, strong regional embeddedness, openness and inclusiveness, and global influence and competitiveness. By 2025, the industrial added value of the modern light textile industry will exceed 720 billion yuan, and the main business income will exceed 3 trillion yuan.

The Action Plan includes four major tasks and five major projects. The four priorities include: accelerating digital empowerment and promoting industrial reshaping; Supply innovation, improve the supply structure; Strengthen quality construction, improve brand quality; Expand the level of opening-up and cooperation. The five key projects include: digital empowerment project, innovation and improvement project, element layout project, three product improvement project, and key enterprise cultivation project.

Specific measures in the key tasks include: increase the research and development of new materials; Construction of a number of joint technological innovation carriers in textile and other industries; Carry out patent navigation of light textile industry clusters, support the cultivation of high-value patents in key core technologies of light textile, cultivate a number of high-tech patents, and promote a number of new technologies and new processes; Vigorously develop the headquarters economy and encourage backbone enterprises to diversify the industrial chain; Cross-provincial joint construction of cotton, wool and other overseas raw material bases to stabilize the supply of raw materials.

Specific measures in key projects include: support clothing, home textile and other industries to apply industrial big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to achieve personalized customized production; Carry out core business on the cloud platform; Give play to the role of Guangzhou and Shenzhen's "dual core drive" to consolidate the position of the Pearl River Delta advanced manufacturing base of light textile industry.

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